Tuesday, May 19, 2015

thermotron thomas bannach -- Roger cannady Cult management training

Thermotron management training with thomas bannach yes indeed thomas bannach when he was the west coast manager —


 he said Roger cannady and associates,


 let him do his own thing and besides he;pay–ed his dues when he worked for Bob –less– Wiley

thermotron Compilation Demo- management training with thomas bannach

yes indeed
thomas bannach when he was the west coast manager —

 he said Roger cannady and associates, let him do his “own thing” and besides he “pay–ed his dues”  when he worked for Bob –less– Wiley

and Bob Wiley told his “inner circle ” that  they could lie to him — about the co-workers — on the job so long as they didn’t get him in trouble —-

thomas bannach said every service technician was a manager and they could lie cheat steal embezzle defraud their co workers and the customer a little bit “every-Day”

so long as they did it behind their back— because  every one he know is like that!!!

This allowed Thomans bannach to defraud 90 % of his co workers— and drum then out!!

Dean tripp said thomas Bannach was a lier and thief when he worked for him– and then he really didnt have good character–

BUT Mark Strain — said Bannach was the “most honest — lier slander and thief ” that he has ever met!!

When thomas bannach — asked an employee– if they wanted to go into management at thermotron–

that Emoloyee– said — hell no– you r a lier anc sheat– why would i want that??

Thomas Bannach said “it OK to be currupt and lie cheat and embezzle”

 because every one is like that !

Gregory V Johnson in the San Fransisco office– agreed with his and spent 3 years robbing the customers and defrauding his co workers–

this was duplicated in the Seattle office with dan DePurdes and the sales staff and support staff in that location–

and of course the Conoga park area– where new hires lasted about 6 months–

and it was “YOUR JOB” to train the new hires–

 as Roger cannady and thomas bannach — DECREEDed–

Yes and the Alcoholic Sales man was a thrill– also– he came in as a abusive lyer and pervert–

It appears that the Human resourse personall like tamer Kennedy-with 18 years-

 and some other some other thermotron whore and protrostute with 30 years– fits the retarded verson–

as Thomas Patterson said– they are just “rubber Stamps”

when Roger cannady was defrauding his co workers– they were — in on the Game!!


then Berry Wright — who replaced thomas bannach as a west coast manager– said to his co-workers–

Gee don’t you think thomas Bannach is a nice guy???
the answer of ” nooo tom B is a liar deceiver and a slander thief and pervert “protector”

Welll Berry Wright only lasted about a year.. as the thomas Bannach thermotron replacement

yes lying cheating stealing –libel and slandering — conspiracy with intent to defraud —

 so to build a case against your co worker- is the way —

 management at thermotron functions—-
like the many child molesters — i advoided in the roman catholic– church growing up–

so is holland michigan dutch and christian reformed– same character –

and thermotron relay’s on people not “exposing” the former perverts and Queers–

 but as Roger cannady and his Associates — harrashed and drumed out defrauded — 90% of the people– employed –

just as Gregory V Johnson was fired 4 robbery thief and embezzlement– from the next company ENSECO — where mitch Kerr said — he wont’s find work in this valley — and the environmental chamber gang–and every onel knows he was thomas bannach and roger cannady’s co conspirator and false wittness– just a regualr thermotron lyer and thief–

as Gregory V johnson bragged —

it dosen’t matter what you do or say about any- one– or who you rob – steal or murder –

so long as you get away with it — and blame it on some one else

one should get the idea that they are who they are and what they did

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