Monday, November 2, 2015

thermotron -- petty and vindictive --Being an Adult


  1. Having worked with Thomas bannach and knowing him and the family for 40 years . It's no surprise that David bannach discovered the verse Many are called but FEW are chosen. Prophets knew his time as a pastor in New York was short. And Keven bannach has the opportunity to work with Many sales guys from thermotron. And at the company call espec . Who's motto is . As Thomas Patterson said. Gee after you deceived the 1st 500 people it gets easer don't you want to go into management.? As Jesus said to saint Paul.
    1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the ...
    No one who is immoral or worships idols or is unfaithful in marriage or is a pervert or behaves like a homosexual ... Don't you know that wicked people won't inherit the kingdom of God?

  2. embezzlers had a different opinion

    And you were supposted to tell every on that he sure is a nice guy

    Posted 25th June by chamberman

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    History of Thermotron Management — field service training- it’s OK to lie — Have you are Bannached
    hermotron field service engineer
    History of Thermotron Management — field service training- it’s OK to lie — Have you are Bannached

    3. embezzlement is called “working the system”

    4. It’s Ok to lie about your co-workers a little bit so long as you get away with it.

    5. Take the customer to lunch to find out “how much budget they REALLY have”

    6. thermotron management job is to “lie” to the workers because every one does that

    7. It dosen’t matter what lies you say about your co-workers because you are supposted to tell them what ever they want to hear.

    8. and besides “Old Bob is as smart as a fox”

    9. if you go to each others church and lie cheat and defraud — it’s A-Ok — because it’s just politics

    Clarity with Charity – A Meditation on the 8th Commandment
    By: Msgr. Charles Pope

    The Eighth Commandment, You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor,

    proclaims the splendor and the beauty of the truth. It is not often that we hear of the truth described in this way but consider how precious and essential a foundation the truth is for our lives. One of the dangers, when it comes to commandments is that we see them merely as prohibitions.

    So for example here, we might think, “OK, I’m not supposed to lie.”

    The Catechism of the Catholic Church says,

    Christians must be dedicated to the truth and live according to it. The Old Testament attests that God is the source of all truth. His Word is truth.

    His Law is truth. His “faithfulness endures to all generations.”[

    Ps 119:90; Prov 8:7; 2 Sam 7:28; Ps 119:142] Since God is “true,” the members of his people are called to live in the truth.

    To follow Jesus is to live in “the Spirit of truth,” whom the Father sends in his name and who leads “into all the truth.”[Jn 16:13] To his disciples Jesus teaches the unconditional love of truth: “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes or No.’”[Mt 5:37] (Catechism 2465, 2466).

    So, we are to witness to it by word and deed. This is particularly the case with the truth of our faith, the truth which has set us free.

    This witness is a transmission of the faith in words and deeds. Witness is an act of justice that establishes the truth or makes it known. All Christians by the example of their lives and the witness of their word, wherever they live, have an obligation to manifest the new man which they have put on in Baptism and to reveal the power of the Holy Spirit by whom they were strengthened at Confirmation.
    (Catechism 2472)

    II. Put away falsehood –
    Scripture bids us, Therefore, putting away falsehood, let every one speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. (Eph 4:22-25) So the Eighth Commandment upholds the goodness and beauty of the truth, exhorts us to celebrate it and instructs that we must avoid all sins against the truth. There are numerous ways that the we can sin against the truth. It will be fruitful for us to consider them each in turn, along with some distinctions.

    III. False Witness

    – Nothing can be so injurious to individuals as to harm their good name or reputation.

    Without a good reputation it becomes difficult for an individual to successfully relate to and interact with others whether it be for business or merely at a personal level.

  3. From Dr. Martha Stout's influential work The Sociopath Next Door, we learned how to identify a sociopath. Now she tells us what we actually can do about it.

    While the best way to deal with a sociopath is to avoid him or her entirely, sometimes circumstance doesn't allow for that. What happens when the time comes to defend yourself against your own child, a ruthless ex-spouse, a boss or another person in power? Using the many chilling and often heartbreaking emails and letters she has received over the years, Dr. Martha Stout uncovers the psychology behind the sociopath's methods and provides concrete guidelines to help navigate these dangerous interactions.

    Organized around categories such as destructive narcissism, violent sociopaths, sociopathic coworkers, sociopathy in business and government, and the sociopath in your family, Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door contains detailed explanation and commentary on how best to react to keep the sociopath at bay. Uniting these categories is a discussion of changing psychological theories of personality and sociopathy and the enduring triumph of conscience over those who operate without empathy or concern for others. By understanding the person you're dealing with and changing the rules of the game, you'll be able to gain the upper hand and escape the sociopath's influence.

    Whether you're fighting a custody battle against a sociopathic ex or being gaslighted by a boss or coworker, you'll find hope and help within these pages. With this guide to disarming the conscienceless, Dr. Stout provides an incisive new examination of human behavior and conceptions of normality, and gives readers the tools needed to protect themselves.

    Download Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door free book PDF

    Author: Martha Stout Ph.D.
